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Really Great Positive Affirmations to Improve Your Life

This article shows you how you can use positive affirmations to enhance your life and build up your self confidence. It also gives some great example affirmations to start off with.

How Autosuggestion Influences the Subconscious

Our subconscious mind is a powerful tool that we can influence with the use of autosuggestions to help us achieve what we really want or be who we want to become. Since the subconconscious mind just accepts all information we feed into it,,we can learn to use it for our personal development as better individuals.

How to Give Thanks

When you are grateful, it will be very easy to attract others that live the same way. What makes us happy is within us, not outside of us. Start practicing gratitude, and you will see that your hearts will overflow with noble words!

What If It Goes Right?

We all have negative self-talk chattering away in the background that impacts our attitudes and behaviours. What if we could take control of this chatter and make it positive? Play the positive “what if” game and take control of your thoughts and emotions.

Before You Try To Be A Friend To Anyone, Be A Friend To Yourself

Recently in my thinking and living, I made a few more positive changes, changes I feel and know will be permanent. I can honestly say from the vantage point I am at now, that a person who is truly and honestly friendly with themselves can and does create good and great habits in their lives. Bad habits, without matter to how enjoyable they can seem, are bad for you as they are for me and anyone. From smoking to spitting too much or lying, they are bad.

The Power of the Present

Time is an important concept to human beings…it dominates our lives. We are driven by the demands and boundaries of time, yet time is beyond our ability to control – rather, we learn to “manage” it.

Fear Doesn’t Get to Win, and Pain Is Only Temporary

Let me start by saying I’ve been called psycho or crazy for my radical beliefs all my life. So, if you feel you need to join the ranks of those who say such things, good for you – but they aren’t going to upset or affect me.

Affirmations to Help You Deal With Addiction

A gentle place to support whatever strategy is being used to deal with addiction is self-talk. Affirmative self-talk, also known as affirmations, is accessible and usable anywhere, and at any time because it takes place, often silently, in your own mind.

Three Simple Techniques to Manifest Your Dreams

Have you heard about Law of Attraction? This article will give three simple techniques how to manifest your dreams.

An Amazing Experience Helping a Client Overcome Horse Phobia – Quickly

It was an amazing experience to be of help to a client who had horse phobias. By fate, we found ourselves seated beside each other and after a few exchanges of conversation, I found myself helping her overcome her phobia through Emotional Freedom Technique tapping, and, she successfully did – and quick it was!

In Time, You Will Thank Me For This Article

The use of affirmation does not take chance, luck or silly fear. It takes time and patience. But, how many of us do have that. Although, you may get a little offended by the answer, I am going to answer that question.

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