Fear of Driving? 18 Motivational Quotes To Overcome Your Fear of Driving! (CONFIDENCE AFFIRMATIONS)

Message From the Universe: Changing Your Life From Within!

If you want to change the world of outside, you need to first focus on changing your own world. How can you expect others to change if you refuse to change yourself. It is important to always focus on how you can better yourself every single day, and not put any energy on what others are doing. Learn to work on yourself first, see what you can do better and just do it. Do not expect anyone to do these changes for you as you will always get disappointed and never move forward. Take a stand for your own life and get things done. PRONTO!

Message From the Universe: Learn to Be Grateful and Appreciate Everything You Already Have

Gratefulness and appreciation for the things you have is a good start to being happy. Avoid looking at what others have and focus on what you accomplished in your life. Stop draining your energy to try becoming the next billionaire as it may have taken that person 5 decades to reach that level of wealth. Do what you are capable of doing and stop running after your shadow, one thing is for sure, you will never catch up.

Message From the Universe: “Fool Me Once, Shame on You, Fool Me Twice, Shame on ME!”

Always learn from your mistakes, especially after the second time around. We all make mistakes, that’s a given, however, the key here is to never make them again, especially the ones similar in nature. As long as you can better yourself, mistakes and lessons should be welcomed as they provide great experience and knowledge. Never feel like you are being a target for destruction, just know you are allowing yourself to grow and prosper. This is what life is all about.

Be Determined!

An article to inspire readers to be determined. Determination is a quality & action vital to help us achieve our goals, help us to keep going to not take no for an answer, even when that no comes from our own inner selves. I want to express why I think determination is important to have in life.

Message From the Universe: Trusting Yourself Is Crucial

Trusting yourself is crucial to all parts of your life, especially when it comes to accomplishing great things in life. Know that you can do everything you ever wished for and more. There is no limits to your potential. The universe is as big as you make it, and your dreams are bigger than the universe itself. Do not be afraid and your potential to making things happen is limitless. Go for what you believe in and trust yourself that it will happen.

The World Is a Stage and Everyone Performs As Directed

The idea that someone is out of line by whatever they do in life is a gross misunderstanding of God’s will. There is only one master and that is the Spirit of the Universe that is present everywhere and in control of all things. While religions have set up their own gods and made laws that contravene reality even they have served the Almighty by their retrograde ways.

Don’t Shy Away From The Truth

In the modern world, illusions are respected more than the reality. Most of the people think they are smart when they play a double game of hide and seek to serve their selfish motives.

Message From the Universe: Create Your Own Reality!

We all live in a Matrix, where the reality around you isn’t the reality you wish to live and experience, but a reality that has been given to you based on what your eyes can see, but not how your mind can perceive. You can create your own reality based on your thoughts and actions, and not let some standard template of reality that has been forced into you just because it can be. You have the right to create whatever you want, but it all depends on how much you want it. Walk away from what you see and work on going towards what your own mind created and acted upon so you can live your life outside of the Matrix.

Pains & Pleasures Make Our Life Meaningful

Life on our planet consists of many twins like Day and Night, Good and Bad, Birth and Death, Pains and Pleasures, etc. Lazy and easy-going people prefer pleasures only.

My Honour Does Not Lie In My Breasts Or My Vagina

Writing about it was my initial act of rebellion. Since then, I have made a lot of choices that align themselves with my cause and existence and go against many notions the society holds. I am not fighting against anything. I am fighting for something that holds importance to me. Coincidentally, it often goes against many people and the norms they have. But as long as I am walking on my path, these intersections and hurdles hardly make any difference to my spirit.

The 4 Most Powerful Words That Launched the Most Successful Companies in The World

There are stories of men and women who decide to do the mundane to the magnificent and start off with nothing more than an authentic belief in themselves and a personal commitment to, and a declaration of, this dynamic phrase. Please take a few moments to read on and decide for yourself if this phrase can also bring you to new and exciting levels of success and happiness.

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