The 4 Letter Word That INSTANTLY RAISES Your Self-Worth, Affirmations & Manifesting *Good for SPs!

The Cloud With the Gold Lining

Sometimes just looking at things outside of you helps. Sometimes we are so focused at whatever is happening to us that we miss out on whatever is happening around us. The introspective journey may isolate you for months from who you, until something pulls you out of it.

How to Use Positive Affirmations When Feeling Anxious

Writer and speaker Joyce Meyer wrote a book that became an international best seller, titled The Battlefield of the Mind. In it she discusses how our minds are indeed like a war zone, and how we must take charge of our thoughts. Many people have celebrated using the book’s life changing advice. Joyce extended her study and discussion in a follow up book called Power Thoughts, which introduces a group of extremely powerful affirmations for use in different situations.

How Gratitude Can Revolutionise Your Life

If you want to really change your life from what it currently is, examine gratitude as a life – changing option. All too often we can look to our external circumstances and perceive that they are causing us a significant amount of mental anguish. In a vast majority of circumstances, changing our perception and listing things we are grateful for can help carry a person through what could be otherwise a difficult situation, and produce a more positive outcome and a happier lifestyle.

The Block Roller Coaster

I hate the word “blocks”… Would you like to know why? Mostly because the word itself is a block. Just the mere fact that you are telling me you are blocked is a block!

Cheesy Daily Affirmations Verses Action

I am a true believer of affirmations if you cannot affirm to yourself that you are going to achieve whatever it is you are out to achieve you won’t stand a chance. If you are unable to convince yourself that you deserve success how the heck are you going to convince the rest of the world. So cheesy affirmations they may be, but it should become a part of your daily routine for success.

Goodbye, Roaring Twenties: On Turning Thirty

I’m thirty. I’ll type it out once more. I’m thirty. Thirty years old. Okay, now that I’ve been thirty for almost a week, I can securely say goodbye to my turbulent twenties.

The Inspiration of Certain Words and Their Life-Changing Capacities

Words are very powerful, especially when they are spoken at just the right moment. Many go through life totally oblivious to the fact that they could accomplish many of their goals just by using the right words. But the truth is all that’s needed is to use them in the right way.

Where Is Your Treasure?

Have you ever tried Treasure Mapping? This is one of the first techniques I learned when I joined the Unity Church. It’s more commonly called a Vision Board. It’s very simple, just place pictures of what you want up where you can see them daily.

What Kind of Stories Do You Tell?

We all tell ourselves stories everyday. What kind of stories do you tell? Do you tell stories of how your spouse doesn’t understand you, how you boss is incompetent, how you can’t afford a vacation, or something along this lines? We all know these stories don’t get us anywhere, but “it’s reality,” we say.

Only One Way to Go UP!

What do you do when you think that there is nothing you can do? I watched a television show recently and in that show, one of the stars seemed hopeless, so hopeless, he felt so alone. The show was excellent, but the message was kind of down.

Contents Under Pressure

The most powerful pressure filled, diamond making type force in the world is the spoken affirmation when inside you, inculcated and followed fully. Other than that, a spare thought is just a spare thought.

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