Activate your Attraction ~ Manifest while you SLEEP MEDITATION

Say “YES” to Yourself and Start Today!

Give yourself the positive affirmations you deserve by saying ‘YES’. Stop doubting yourself and start seeing just how amazing you are, and start today because YOU are worth it!

7 Keys For Using Affirmations Effectively

What is an affirmation? An affirmation is when you assert something as true (even if it isn’t yet, but you want it to be). What is it’s purpose?

Art of Letting Go

Emotional stress release and learning how to control stress depends on the effort you put into it. A common method, The Sedona Method, is one example of such a program. While we know that not every program works for everybody, many have benefited from the Sedona Method.

Axiom or Being

Have you ever wondered who you are and why are you this way? Am I the person you recognize? How can I improve?

Affirmations For Success – How To Effectively Use Them

Positive statements are tools that you can use in achieving all the things you dream of in life. Make sure that you know how to use affirmations successfully so that you will be able to achieve your goals.

Creating Results Revolves Around Anyone That Wants To Create Them

Our results are up to us, not any outside force, even God, nature or otherwise. If you are interested in doing what needs to be done to get what you want, read on.

3 Powerful Positive Affirmations For Women Who Want More!

Women who make a difference are women who harnessed the power of positive affirmations. Those women who have made the biggest impact have thought positive thoughts and spoken positively.

Positive Affirmations To Change Your Life

Positive affirmations are exceptional tools for guiding our minds and shaping our world as we see fit. By incorporating a few principles of the law of attraction we can use these powerful techniques to re-program our sub-conscious mind for our benefit. Taking control of our lives, rather than reacting to a chaotic world, while allowing us to realize our grandest visions of ourselves. And forever freeing us from the self-created boundaries of fear and doubt.

Be Who You Want

In life we all have choices to make and each choice has a consequence. Where you are today is a consequence of your past choices. The question is, where do you want to be tomorrow?

Prosperity Affirmations For More Money

Prosperity affirmations are great tools for creating wealth when you may not have much wealth yet. Everyone wants more money. And trying to change the way you think about money can be difficult, especially when you first learn about the law of attraction. Applying prosperity affirmations to your daily routine is a great way to create fast results towards a positive momentum shift in your finances.

Adding Affirmations to Your Meditation Practice

Your senses are like windows open 24/7, continuously receiving information, even while you sleep, and absorbing thousands of impressions throughout the day without you even being aware of all of them. These impressions become part of your mental files and may also become part of your belief system. Just like you have been absorbing thoughts and beliefs just because they were repeated to you over and over, and translating them as your reality, you also have the capacity to replace old beliefs with thoughts that suit you better or aim toward a higher purpose. What is a belief, if not a repeated thought? Positive affirmations can be a great tool to accomplish this transformation, especially when done in addition to a regular meditation routine.

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