Easy way to deal with the fear that your manifestation won’t happen

No One Knows What Anyone Is Talking About

One thing that I have learned is that no one, including myself, knows what we are talking about. Throughout my life, I have heard that everyone should maintain a positive attitude about everything. Self-help books, other forms of media, and in fact society at large will tell us that there is no need for pessimism, and that if we all just had a good attitude, we could make the world a better place.

The Apparent Disconnect Between Thinking and Acting

Humans do two apparent things: think, and act. The thought itself is characterized by the lack of action, although it could be argued that thinking is an act itself. For the sake of this piece, let’s say that action is characterized by movement of the body.

Louise Hay Affirmations – Affirmations From an Expert

Louise Hay is a world renowned lecturer, teacher, and bestselling author. She is an expert in helping people heal their lives through positive, life altering affirmations. These ‘Louise Hay Affirmations’ are powerful tools to help us begin creating the life we want to have.

There Is Not Any End To It (Despite What We May Think We Want)

If there is a problem, solve it deeply. Let me explain what I mean in this whole article: First of all, as long as there is a game, there are going to be obstacles and goals always.

Oy Vey – Only Two Years Away!

Today is my 48th birthday. So far, it’s a good day!

How To Use Affirmations For Success

In this article I want to talk about affirmations and to really use them for success. Many people teach affirmations and that’s great, but they don’t teach them effectively. To affirm means to have what is already present.

How To Change Your Life: By Changing Your Story

Have you ever stopped to think about why the same things keep happening to you over and over in life? For instance, maybe you’ve noticed that all your first dates go a certain way and always have the same ending to them. Well chances are, you not only expect these outcomes but actually warrant them.

Manifesting Like a 13 Year Old

How do you line up the energy to take on a new goal? Maybe you should be practicing manifesting like a 13 year old.

How to Find the Perfect Meditation for You

How to choose meditations for yourself by looking at your learning style. If you don’t know your learning style, you can read about the different ones and take a test to discover your strongest styles. Here are a few meditation ideas that might appeal to different learning styles.

Positive Affirmation Quotes

A positive affirmation quote is, essentially, a request to the universe for the achievement of a hope, dream or desire and, importantly, this request is expressed with positive energy, expectancy and intent. Have you ever made a positive affirmation quote about your desires – for example, for abundance with money, love or even better health? Was this positive affirmation quote effective?

Life Is a Continuing Education

As we proceed with our life journey, we try to reflect on past events of our lives then realize that it is as if we are reading a book- in fact, our own book of life. With such reflection, we should be glad to be participants of this life journey. Each day as we wake up, new learnings embrace us and they assist us to go on with our own personal development.

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