Fear of Blood? 18 Motivational Quotes To Mitigate Your Fear of Blood (AFFIRMATIONS!)

Purpose: Are You Content With Being Complacent?

Purpose – About two weeks ago, I had someone sit down with me and tell me, “You are the author of your own story… so why not make your story as dope as possible?” And at first, it sounded cliche. It sounded like the same story I have ever heard from someone who called themselves “motivating” me.

Feeling a Little Off? Try These Affirmations

Everyone has days when we’re not feeling 100%. I get tired, or grumpy, or just irritated with stupid people/things/circumstances. And I get impatient with the things that I really want to change that haven’t yet. It would be easy on those days, to stay in bed, and eat donuts…

Receptive Behavior

Ultimately, habits are just an affirmation really. With that, this article begins. Yes, we have a choice of what habits to have in life and existence as our path is our own.

Affirmations To Start Your Day On A Positive Happy Note

When was the last time you woke up with a smile on your face? Do you start the day feeling tired, burdened, groggy and unhappy? If yes, then it’s time to shake-up, wake-up and take charge of your life. The law of attraction is a method of practicing positive affirmations. It will help you start your day on a positive and happy note.

Credit For the Struggle

Chances are that even with shortcomings, you have more impact than you give yourself credit for. You don’t have to be supernatural to work wonders. Give yourself credit for the struggles.

Cultured by God’s Words!

I am a product of the Word. God’s love and Word brought me into being. These words of Grace nurture my entire being.

So What If It’s the New Year?

New Year resolutions symbolize opportunities for do overs and fresh beginnings, and I am all for that. But why do we feel the need to wait until January 1 to start?

Do Affirmations Work? Only If You Say So

Harness the power of your mind to manifest more love, money, ease, success and fulfillment. With correctly worded affirmations and right action, you can make it happen, no matter what you believe.

Make It Here and You Make It Anywhere

The mind is a terrible thing to waste. So is your time. Never under estimate the importance of a made up mind or your time. Both are very precious and should be treated as such. Once you realize that you where placed here for a very unique reason the wealth of self increases. The grace given to us alone, guarantees you success. God said who so ever believes in him has unmerited grace. It is a gift beyond comprehension. If you can believe in a power bigger than you, you can believe in yourself. The power of belief is so strong that it shapes your life. It is a substance that is not seen with the physical eye but more real than anything that you will experience in life. If you perceive it you will be it. Make up your mind and everything is within your reach.

Self Affirm And Problem Solve Better Under Stress

It is well known that the effects of acute and chronic stress interfere with problem solving requiring flexibility and adaptation.In the last several years there is new research indicating that self-affirmation can lessen the interfering effects of stress on problem solving. Using self-affirmation can improve your problem solving skills under pressure.When you are under high stress, you will initiate better problem solving by taking a little time to create and/or reflect on a self affirmative statement that is important to you.

A Law of Attraction Affirmation for When You Are Overwhelmed or Afraid

Sometimes you need an answer or a solution so badly that you cannot seem to stop the mental gerbil from running on the wheel of fear in your mind. You know that you need to release that fear and focus on gratitude instead, but that can be hard to do when the rent is due and you have no money or when you are in otherwise desperate circumstance. Maybe this will help…

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