Great Manifesting Technique To Win Stuff + BONUS Footage Of What I Won Using It!! ✨🎟✨

Habits to Help Change Your Life!

As it is said that the key to the ability to change is a changeless sense of who you are, what you are about and what you value. One must work day and night on self-improvement as it is not something that must be done in free time in fact work place is a fantastic place to develop, improve networking skills and sharpen memory.

The Power of Hope in Our Every Day Lives

The ability of hope to transform our lives is essential to the human spirit. From the moment we are born we are thrown into a world of challenges – a world that requires us to take leaps of faith – every day.

Hope Was With Me But I Didn’t Recognize It

Even if where you are today seems hopeless, it is working in you. Do you know how to find it?

How to Create an Effective Positive Affirmation

Creating a positive affirmation that will work for you and not sabotage your efforts, takes just a little bit of skill and common sense. So this article has been created to help someone be able to quickly and effectively create a phrase that will serve their highest good and work for them.

The Two Missing Steps to Affirmations That Really Work

Affirmations can be a grueling, boring and ineffective way to improve your life unless you know how to use them to their fullest. There are two steps that are often overlooked when creating affirmations. When you do these two steps before you even create the affirmation you will have the complete formula for how to use affirmations that really work to improve your life.

The Gifts of Empowerment

To live is to understand that it is by grace we live. The accomplishments, trials and tribulations are blessings. How we respect what is given and what is earned plays a major part, shaping who we are and what we will accomplish. To know who you are allows you to love who you are. To truly know who you are truly, requires clarity. To experience clarity is something that happens outside of the normal realm of thought for most of us. Once you gain clarity, you gain a sense of control and now you’re on the path to empowerment.

Benefit Is As Benefit Does (The Back Up Plan)

Sure, I believe in paying all benefit forward and making it work for everyone, including the wage payer that is giving the benefits, benefiting from what they give also. But I would like to give a more detailed key in this article, thus the subtitle “The Back Up Plan”.

The Life Sentence

We have a life sentence. We have to do what we need and want to do to improve ourselves.

Three Ways To Ensure Your Personal Success

We all want the best in life. We all want to be a better person, a better friend, a better son, daughter, and spouse. There are a lot of ups and downs on our lives that I really believe either brings us closer to our best – or further apart.

Affirmations for Healing the Physical Body

From time to time we may experience an episode in which the body seems to malfunction. Illness and dis-ease is your body’s way of communicating that something needs to change. We do well to listen to our body and treat it kindly.

Do Mind Movies Work?

In this article we explore the power of suggestion and whether or not mind movies are effective. Mind movies are powerful tools that use images and music to influence the non-conscious mind.

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