How to Release Resistance around “WHERE IS IT?” when Manifesting – Understanding Expectation

Bookmark This!

Do you highlight or bookmark your favorite passages in books you read? Bookmarking is another fun, alchemical process to help you focus on what’s going good in your life.

The Benefits of A Purposeful Life

To live a life with purpose is a life of direction and intent. It strengthens your conviction and faith. Your life was not an accident. Your time on this earth was predetermined. The meaning of life is to find your gift; the purpose of life is to give it away. When you experience life, you experience wealth money can’t buy. Life is a privilege, not a given. Your time is limited; do not waste it living someone else s life. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

Anxiety and Panic Attacks: A Meditation to Get Into the Now Moment

Are you experiencing anxiety or panic attacks due to rapid spiritual growth? This meditation can help ease your mind by being fully present in the moment rather than living in the past or worrying about the future. It also helps bring peace and awareness of your multidimensional selves and connects your soul with your oversoul while you sleep.

Affirmations – The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – Take Charge of Your Mind and Dreams Today!

The power of your subconscious mind should not be underestimated. We are all dictated to and directed via our subconscious. How aware are we really of the immense power our subconscious has over us?

Affirmations – Subconscious Mind Power – Take Charge of Your Mind and Become Successful Today!

Why are some people successful and others fail? The power of your subconscious mind should not be underestimated. We are all dictated to and directed via our subconscious. How aware are we really of the immense power that our subconscious has over us?

5 Ways To Start Your Day With A Bang

All of us have woken up to the sound of our alarm blasting us from a comfortable sleep and groaned at the prospect of getting out of bed. Once that initial feeling of tiredness passes, we must motivate ourselves to make the most of every day. Here are five ways you can set yourself up for a productive and successful day.

Wisdom Is Synthesized Positivism and Skills Summed Up

Being wise is not just being mentally agile and smart. Wisdom has larger and better encompassing implications. From knowledge, only through constant up-gradation, we attain wisdom. Remaining on the platform of wisdom also needs mindfulness and responsiveness. To reach a broader stage of limitlessness from the narrow confinements of being knowledgeable to reach the broad is wisdom

Tomorrow Is Pregnant

Being the first of my siblings, when I was much younger, I never knew I would lose my dad at the age of 19; after that, I never knew I would go to another country for studies; I never knew I would meet someone who would treat me badly; and it continues. Before all these, I planned that my life will be a life of fantasy, where I would meet my prince charming, graduate from a university in my country, live in the stars, and build my house in the air. stuffs like that;

Connect To Life

When we think of the little amount of time we are allowed on the earth, it is important that we realize that every moment has major significance and is of extreme importance. To live a life of fulfillment is to live life to the fullest. We dare not waste it away, because we only have so little time. Your time is limited. Do not waste it away living someone elses dream. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, because they truly know you who you are and what you are. Don’t let someone else’s opinion dictate what you know in your heart. Your heart, conscious and intellect will keep you on the right path.

The Importance of Consistency

To be consistent is to be steadfast in all areas of you life. To improve upon anything you have to do it over and over until you develop excellence in your endeavor. The more you put in the more you get back. Strive to be consistent in your efforts, your character and your intellect. Doing this will add strength to your character. You are who you become.

Career Planning And Development (Part I): 3 Steps To Create Your Own Career Plan

Career is in our hands, so why do we blame the world when it weathers storm or up’s and Down’s of life? We are therefor, what we choose to be? 3 steps to create your own Career Plan

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