Illusion of Control ~ Manifest with this Secret ~ Sleep Meditation

Affecting Change With Positive Affirmations

Accepting change has always been a difficult task for most people, since they are reluctant of letting go of the comfort that they are used to. When you choose to affirm yourself positively, you can end up either in avoidance or in reappraisal. If you find yourself resisting change due to negative feelings or fear, it is because your subconscious mind is trying to avoid the challenge of dealing with the change. You can affect the way you perceive things by having positive affirmations that you have to repeat continuously and believe.

What You Want in Life Must Rule Your Mind – How to Use Affirmations

This article explains to you how to use Affirmations effectively to get what you want. You can get anything you want if you have a strong desire and you know how to achieve that.

Empowerment Dreams

Empowerment is recognized as giving someone power or authority. Dream is recognized as something hoped for. Empowerment Dreams is the hope of giving someone the power and authority to control and make decisions that based on what is good for them. To have control and the power to make your own decisions is self-fulfilling. Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. There is tremendous value in knowing yourself and what you are capable of. The key is not only knowing what you are capable of but also applying that knowledge to bring your dreams and ambitions to fruition. Do not ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what make you become alive. Then go do that. Because what the world needs, are people who have become alive.

The Four Seasons of Life, The Four Seasons of Love

A fantastic affirmative tool helping you to deal with life’s circumstances with positivity, and overcoming disappointment. How to accept and build upon your experiences in a positive and productive manner.

Yes There Is a Letter “I” in the Word Team

Many years ago when I worked in an Electronics Manufacturing Company, I was able to work myself up the hierarchical ladder into a Management/Leadership position with the title of Divisional Manager, allowing me to gain experience in both management as well as leadership positions. With those positions I had responsibility for several different management positions that were assigned to me. These responsibilities gave me cause to gather and put together what we called our management “Team,” looking into our various functional responsibilities that made…

Being a Son

When it comes to being a son, most of us don’t have a choice (except Chaz). We come in, we start asking questions, then think we know it all, then we figure out we don’t know anything, then we start the cycle over again with our son.

Seven Things You Can Say To Yourself That Will Raise Your Emotional Awareness

Self-talk is a powerful tool used by many. It is a powerful tool in building emotional intelligence skills especially those EI skills of Self Perception or Self Awareness. Learn seven self-talk phrases guaranteed to raise your self-esteem and you self-awareness.

Use Affirmations To Create A Six-Figure Career Doing What You LOVE

Do you have a talent, favorite skill, hobby, or past time that you love and would like to turn it into a six-figure career? If so, read on.

Simple Life Improvement: How to Have a Good Day

Here are some simple in accomplishing of having to have a good day. It requires a few steps to take in order to have those waking moments of success, joy and getting the things you desire by the end of the day. This my own adaptation of the steps that are found on the book A Course in Miracles.

Building Trust When People Hate Each Other

I was recently invited to work with a board of trustees of a city government who were totally alienated from one another. My job was to bring them together to heal their mistrust and create a vision for the future. However, I soon learned that the key to my success was not about them, but me.

Use Affirmations To Turn Your Talent Into A Career

Would you love to do what you love for a living? Don’t think it’s possible? Here’s some key tips on how to use affirmations to help you turn your talent into a blossoming career.

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