Love Attraction ~ Attract Love While You SLEEP MEDITATION

Change Will Come

As we travel through life, we realize there is one common theme in everyone’s life. Change. It is one the keys to universal law. When we embrace change we leave our minds open to the many wondrous things it can bring. How we embrace change will determine how we proceed on our journey to empowerment.

When We Change, The Winds Within Us Change

To put it in a Christian perspective, yet universally applicable sense: To them that have, more will be given and to them that do not have, what little they have will be taken away. We are magnets.

Healing Affirmations: Powerful Biblical Words of Health and Life!

Why confess negative affirmations and remain stuck in an unhealthy condition, when you can choose healing affirmations? Tap into a “hidden power” that can supercharge your life by using biblical affirmations!

Words That Release Wealth

Hundreds of billions of words are spoken daily across the globe. Each word has the capacity to predict the course of a human life. The course of this planet is guided by our words. Sounds controversial; read this brief article and discover the truth about the power of your words to bring wealth into your personal world and the world around you. Then share what you learned with a friend to see the results multiplied.

The Powers of Affirmations for Confidence in Sports

For any athlete playing a competitive sport, confidence is a key requirement if optimum performance and success are to be accomplished. To gain an advantage and achieve a mental edge over your competitors then using affirmations for confidence are a great starting point for anyone.

How to Transform Your Life With the Magic of Words

I am a great believer in the tremendous transformative power of words. As Dumbledore said to Harry Potter, “Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it.” We are all products of the words that were repeatedly said to us as children, and continue to say to ourselves now. Some of us heard words in childhood that hypnotized us into believing that we’re not valuable or important. However, we can use the magic of words to transform our lives and fully own and embody our inherent worthiness.

The Susan Boyle Example Entices Motivation

Most likely you have heard of Susan Boyle. Today she is a world celebrity after presenting herself in a music reality show in England. Her physical appearance, somehow sloppy, caused a certain underestimation by the jury and audience up until she sung admirably for few minutes.

Rehab for Killer Phrases

We all use killer phrases, let’s perform an immediate intervention and send those killer phrases off to rehab so we can live a more fulfilling and successful life. Rehab is hard and setbacks can be expected, but the time is now and this intervention cannot wait. Your self-esteem is counting on you to take immediate action!

Seize the Moment

Time is our enemy, and we don’t even face it. We hide our faces from it, we cover our traces, and we disguise our persona. We cannot control it, for we don’t live each and every second to its ultimate intensity. Split seconds grow wings and fly away. Time is just an illusion created by people to keep track of their dos and don’ts. Whenever to tomorrow is coming, it is actually today! So, yes, it is important to carpe diem, but more important is to seize the moment! Live in the NOW, for it is the only time for things to happen.

Abundance Affirmations And The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction gives you in return exactly what you give out. The abundance affirmations that work for you are the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs you uphold and live by. Good or bad, what you give credence to within your mind is what will come into your life.

The Power Of Affirmations And Your Subconscious Mind

The power of affirmations has long been promoted by all the self-help gurus and masterminds the world over. But what are affirmations, and how do they work? Read on discover how affirmations are an extremely powerful and effective tool to shaping your life and your destiny.

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