Manifesting a Rainbow SUCCESS STORY // 🌈 My friend manifested hers + other rainbow successes! ✨🌈✨

Everyone Loves A Winner

Winning is a habit, and so is the other thing of losing. Cosmically simple as an affirmation made enough times, we can all raise ourselves and our vibrations up if we give ourselves a chance to do that.

The Real Goose That Laid The Golden Egg (Based On A Zen Koan I Once Read And Heard Well)

Once I read a Zen story about a goose in a bottle that got fed until it could not get out except by breaking the whole bottle open including the neck of the bottle. The import of that story is that limitations are what we make them, and when the goose is fed enough to be out, it will be out. The bottle is our circumstances, and the goose represents the consciousness in those circumstances.

Faith Of The Mind

To control your mind to positive and beneficial purposes is to have ultimate faith in your mind and its genuine abilities. Not to control your mind is fear, and laziness. With that, I begin this article.

The Art of Noticing: 3 Steps for Returning to Center

My mind is going a million miles a minute, in a dozen directions. As I lie on the yoga mat, I think: “Stay here.” I manage it for 3-4 seconds and then I’m off on some thought train. “Find your Stillness.” Yes, for 3-4 seconds more, and off again. When meditating each morning, I count my breaths. I’m lucky if get to 5 before I lose track and have to start over. As I count, I’m present. I feel the breath come in and out. Then… I’m not. That’s the point. To notice and come back. To return to center. On the mat… and in life…

How Lying to Yourself Can Be a Good Thing

What we say to ourselves in our minds is so important. It can literally make or break us. And since what we think drives our actions, it’s imperative we change our thinking to match the action that we desire, so we can get what we want out of life.

What Inspires You And What Are You Doing With It?

Most of us have triggers that inspire us. Perhaps it is heroes, perhaps it is historical figures, or sports stars, or maybe it is just quotes and sayings that touch us. Whatever it is that inspires you it is a good idea to find ways to tap into that inspiration on a regular basis.

“The Beginners Guide to Affirmations – An Integral Part of Your Success Toolkit!”

We all share the same 24 hours in each day. From the time we wake until we fall asleep (and during sleep), our minds are active, assessing the information around us. As with many other areas, we have choices about positive or negative reactions to life. Affirmations are one very powerful influence on these choices.

Grow a Beautiful Garden in Your Mind – Pluck the Negative, Plant the Positive

Your mind is a garden. Every day you should pluck the weeds and plant good seeds. For every negative image or thought, replace it with two or more positive thoughts.

Improve Your Thinking and Improve Your Life!

You can improve the quality of your life if you learn to change the way you think. Here you will learn the specific steps necessary for results to show up in your life. If you approach your goals with passion and the right mental attitude, the results will follow.

Self-Care To Combat Compassion Fatigue

How do we take care of ourselves in our work place? This is an interesting question and now that it is spring and we are starting on a journey for a fresh new start of our lives after pulling out of the winter guise, it is time to start a new life. Anyone is at risk of compassion fatigue. By doing these three simple steps, they can help guide you to wellness. It is a self meditation exercise to bring your to your own awareness of a self-affirmation that you can use to center yourself throughout the day.

The Spirit Of Genuinely Productive Individualism In The Creative Mind

Greedily competitive is always a bad thing to be and to affirm to yourself. Especially when you want to be genuinely prosperous in a creative way that enhances your life and the lives of everyone else in a deserved way. Yet, we all are greedily competitive at some time in our lives. The best thing to do about this is to be more conscious of what we do and why we do it, which is an affirmation in itself.

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