Manifesting PSA: It’s okay to ALLOW your negative emotions

What Is Needy?

This guide will explain to you in terms of behavior what is needy. Many people lose their relationships because they are too “needy” or do not have self confidence. This guide will help.

Pisces Full Moon – Practical Intuition

The Pisces Full Moon on August 31 ends the month with our second Full Moon in thirty days. This is termed a Blue Moon and it is highly active. The planets are in a dynamic engagement creating a supportive system.

Speaking the Truth – Listen to the World

You may not realize it but the world is speaking to us, telling us our lessons, all the time. I learned this lesson early on in my life, but it is a lesson that will always stay with me.

Why Affirmations Are Pathetic

Affirmations are like putting pretty make-up on a canker sore: it doesn’t cover the problem. I don’t know how high you can “vibrate” if you’re carrying a lead weight of unacknowledged rage, shame, fear and hurt behind hind the velvet curtain of your conscious mind.

2 Basic Aspects of Mind You Should Understand Before Using Affirmations or Subliminal Messages

Using affirmations is the easiest free method to improve yourself at almost anything you desire. Most people never understand that because it’s free, they might be using the affirmations without even noticing them! You are using affirmations perpetually.

Yes, The Truth About What Really Matters

Why work so hard and earn a paycheck when all you have to do is work harder and longer to buy things you don’t need? These are lessons learned from someone who has a while to go. Money isn’t everything, no matter what the TV says…

Acceptance: The Greatest Gift

“I want you to stop reading those self-help books,” he said, and then continued, “I love you just the way you are.” I felt my throat tighten. Then he added quietly, “You are free.” In that moment, I had no words. So many years of striving and trying and struggling and failing were instantly swept away.

A 2 Step Guide to Create Your Own List of Positive Affirmations That Work

Affirmations are generally a set of 5-10 sentences you can use repeatedly to change habits, stop procrastinating or create new subconscious programming. The most important part of any affirmation is the emotion it delivers and how your subconscious interprets it. Sentences like “I am so happy right now.” could be of little or no importance to your subconscious mind until you actually consciously accept the affirmation. If you are heading to create a list of affirmations to improve yourself, you might want to keep these 2 most basic steps in mind.

What Are Expectations?

How we would like things to be, define expectations. There are no perfect situations or conditions. Effort, drive, and consistency determine our faith in most endeavors. When you expect greatness for yourself and you apply effort, drive, and consistency, if you miss your mark, it will not be by much. Most of the shadows of your life are caused by standing in your own light. We search for greatness, because we believe we are entitled to it. When you expect the best, give the best and at that point your expectations will become reality.

How to Use Affirmations to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Reprogramming the subconscious mind is a very simple process. It’s because your subconscious mind can perform only two processes, the recording and the rendering. All your experiences, emotions, reactions and stimulations are collected and recorded and collected. With every repetition of a situation, it builds what we call subconscious neurological patterns. The conscious brain can’t surpass these patterns. Once a neurological pattern is created, the conscious brain becomes a slave of the subconscious.

How to Amplify the Power of Your Affirmations for Self Confidence

If you aren’t feeling good right now, then the affirmation can no way make you feel better. Look into affirmations like this – they are simple tools to amplify your emotions, positive or negative. So, if you are feeling out of confidence right now and you try to use affirmations for self-confidence, your condition might only get worse.

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