Manifesting Tip: Set lots of intentions, general and specific & thank you for 50K subscribers! 🎉

The Work of the Lord in the Life of a Believer

We have to remember that this journey is virtually impossible without constant help from our loving Savior. We cannot make it through if we are going to set ourselves back by compromising on the truth each day. One solution is to search your own heart and take a step in faith, like Peter did when he was faced with a storm and decided to step into the water. The walk of a believer is riddled with great challenges but Jesus is the escorter… you wouldn’t need one if the journey was not dangerous or demanding on you… this is a vital truth.

3 Techniques to Make Love Affirmations Work

You have a great career. You have fabulous friends. Your family loves you. Your dog is very loyal. Everything seems to be going fine in your life, except for the one department that you seem to get stuck at. When you were younger, you would always ask yourself, “Will I ever find the one?” After experiencing several heartaches, the question has become, “Will I ever find the right one?” Now that there seems to be lack of choices, your goal has been limited to finding love and experiencing the feeling of being cared for by another soul aside from your friends, family, and dog.

4 Steps in Creating Effective Weight Loss Affirmations

No matter how hard you try, it seems really difficult for you to lose weight even just a couple of pounds. You’ve done weight lifting, dieting, yoga, meditation and taking diet pills. You are getting tired of the whole process and you are losing hope that you could still fit into your favorite slim jeans that you last wore before you became a mother of two.

Tap Your Inner Oprah (or Cesar)

Setting your goals-whether to find harmony in a challenging business dealing or choosing to live a life of authentic happiness-is great, but actually taking steps toward them can be scary because it may require you to step out of your comfort zone. There are many science-based techniques for achieving your goals, but ultimately you may just have to-as the ancient aphorism suggests-feel the fear and…

5 Tricks to Make Self-Esteem Affirmations Work

No matter how intelligent or how beautiful you are, there are points in your life when you will feel otherwise. Has someone told you that what you’ve done is not enough or they were expecting a lot from you only to get something that even a 7-year-old kid can create? This scenario is a big let-down to many people’s egos, especially when they know in themselves that they have done their best. This kind of feeling also happens a lot in relationships. Your boyfriend dumped you for someone who looks plain as compared to you. As a result, you feel ugly and offended.

The Effects of Superstition – Can Your Success Be Affected?

Superstition is mysticism. I am not saying that mysticism is bad or good, but, I am saying what the essence of superstition is for fortunate or unfortunate realities. Think about it, the saying “if you believe it, it is so” applies here. That is what I mean by a neutral sort of mysticism that can go either way, good or bad.

Affirmations To Eliminate Excuses

We all use excuses at some time – whether it is to procrastinate, delay, deny, move the blame elsewhere… However, if you want to take action then perhaps when you find yourself using an excuse or wanting to use an excuse, you just start telling yourself something that will move you forward.

An Affirmation a Day

Our thoughts control how we think and act. Thinking positive thoughts and channelling them into positive statements or affirmations help us become confident and increase our self-esteem.

The Best New (and Effective) Approach to (Lasting) Weight Loss

I wrote this article about a good way to shed some weight and keep it off based on my own experience with the method. I don’t believe in diets. I think most people feel like they’re not going to succeed before they start a diet based on their past experiences and the negative feelings associated with the term “diet.” If this sounds familiar to you, I invite you to read this article with an open mind and give this method a try. It may surprise you!

How to Use the Power of Suggestion to Get What You Want

I genuinely believe that auto suggestion is a key, not the key to doing what you want to do in life and existence. For the key to achieving any goal is persistence and perseverance, and that involves both of these.

Six Months and a Day Ago

Have you ever heard the story of the man who cried to God about how his life was falling apart, only to find that it was God who was making his world fall apart, by shaking him up from his foundations? We all experience moments such as these from time to time in our lives. Learning how to navigate them is the key.

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