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Powerful Affirmations for Changing Negative Self Talk

Through a process of listening to my constant mind chatter, I became conscious that I wasn’t very kind to myself. I also became conscious that if I had a friend that spoke to me like that, I would probably no longer have them as a friend. The only thing to do was to change these seemly self-fulfilling prophecies. The world of affirmations found me and I leaped in with both feet.

Positive Affirmations Demystified

One of the latest buzzwords around the world these days is positive affirmations. Most everyone has heard it spoken in one way or another.  But what exactly does it mean, and more importantly, what can it do for you?

Positive Affirmations and Your Health

Positive affirmations can easily change your whole life. You know how they work. You change your outlook on life, and you will bring that positivity to you.

3 Essential Steps For New Year Resolutions!

I’m not a huge fan of New Year resolutions, for reasons I’ll explain shortly, but if you do insist on making them, please make sure you get these 3 things right… I’ve written before that any other day of the year is better than January 1st to make resolutions, because New Year resolutions have a particular default setting which sets you up for failure, and it’s this – people never believe they will see them through!

Affirmations: You Are What You Say You Are!

Have you heard the saying, “you are what you say you are?” Not only is this true, but let’s take this apart and look at it in more detail.

The Mantra – Healthy Wealthy and Wise

Everyone wants to be healthy, wealthy, and wise. Would anyone like to know how?

Positive Affirmations and Other Powerful Techniques for Achieving Small Business Success

We all know that small business success is an inside, out job. Here’s how you can use positive affirmations and other powerful techniques to grow a fabulously successful business, no matter where you’re starting out from.

A Portion Of All You Earn Is Yours To Keep

The universal reality that you get to keep a portion of everything that you earn in life when you understand it, can make you genuinely rich. In concept, this sounds bad, because it seems like you are paying most of what you earn and keeping very little of what is earned. But, in reality, if you use that portion correctly, you can ultimately earn much more if you simply understand the full import of that universal reality that you keep for yourself or benefit from a portion of what you earn.

Appreciating the Quiet Place

The solitude in the Quiet Place can be the peaceful place that is impossible for you to find despite all of your efforts to obtain inner peace from external forces. The solitude of the Quiet Place is the sanctuary where you find protection for your well-being. The solitude of the Quiet Place is where you are brought back into focus from a whirlwind of activity that may have landed you in a state of confusion. The Quiet Place is the retreat we all need to visit as often as possible.

Florence Scovel Shinn Quote: Affirmations That Work!

“You will be a failure, until you impress the subconscious with the conviction you are a success. This is done by making an affirmation which ‘clicks’.” – Florence Scovel Shinn. There is a lot of talk about affirmations these days.

Start the New Year Well With Positive Resolutions

Many people use the New Year as a time to examine their lives and decide what to give up. Here is an alternative approach. Why not start the New Year with some positive resolutions?

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