What Is The Secret To Happiness? 18 Motivational Quotes To Increase Your Happiness & Reduce Anxiety

6 Positive Affirmations From the Bible

In my last post, we discussed the use of affirmations and in it, I mentioned that Norman Vincent Peale had taken a Biblical text and suggested that it could be used directly as an affirmation. That particular text was from St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians (Ph 4:13).

How to Change a Belief

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” The above is a statement that I have seen attributed to both Henry Ford and Confucius.

Using Affirmations to Increase Energy

It is often said that what you believe is what you become. In many ways this is very true. All one has to do is consider how the things a person says to oneself over and over again can influence their psyche.

Why Affirmations Aren’t Working: Brainwave Entrainment Will Put You In The Right Frame Of Mind

Are you in the right “frame” of mind? You are standing, alone, looking at yourself, naked, in a full length mirror, saying, for the hundredth time this week, “I am at my perfect weight.

Positive Daily Affirmations Made Easy

Everything we think, everything we say, is an affirmation. Whether conscious or not, we are continually analyzing our existence. The way we think about ourselves and our lives shapes the way that we respond and react to the environment around us.

Tips For Coping With Loneliness

Everyone faces the predicament of feeling loneliness at some point or the other. This is especially true for women who face the impending prospect of having to face life without the children, when they leave the nest.

The 5 Secrets to Using Affirmations to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

A limiting or negative belief is something you believe about yourself that is holding you back in your life: A belief that is literally limiting your ability to lead the kind of life that you would like to lead. Almost everyone has some limiting beliefs and accepting this fact is often the first step you need to take towards addressing your own. Admitting you have a limiting belief is not a sign of failure on your part. It is a sign of courage and strength.

Affirmations Work – Your Word Is Your Wand

‘The Power of the Spoken Word,’ was written by Florence Scovel Shinn many years ago.  In the book Florence explains how your words create your world, claiming, ‘Affirmations Work.

What Is an Assertive Definition to a Woman?

Sometimes women will find themselves in heated debates. Sometimes, views and opinions among people are conflicting with each other. Occasionally the conversation can lead to more difficult situations. So, how to be assertive and at the same time not being aggressive. Knowing how to be assertive in a good way will avoid an argument to burst out and can even help one win an argument.

The Law of Attraction and the Wrestler

I recently came across a perfect example of how the law of attraction works. There was a freshman in high school who decided that he wanted to earn a letterman’s jacket in his first year of school. This freshman knew that he would have a fairly good chance of doing so by playing baseball, since he had played it for many years already.

Using Life Quotes For Motivation

Anyone who wants to truly master the art of helping people, whether it be through person to person conversation or public speaking, needs to learn how to reference other people’s works to truly connect with people. There are times when people or groups of people start looking for leaders or friends that can guide them through horrible situations, and when this happens it can be important to have an arsenal of life quotes at one’s disposal to provide people with the inspiration they need.

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