What it REALLY takes to manifest a specific person with Veronica Isles (Part 1)

The Answer To The Biggest Problem Of All, Named

Fear is an affirmation as courage is. As irrational fear is the biggest problem of all, rational courage is the biggest solution of all.

Meditation Of Love

If you want to attract love, you should irradiate love. Be a walking love-campaign. Enjoy it.

Traditional Affirmations Do Not Work!

In this article I will explain why traditional affirmations do not work and how they can actually make your life worse the more you recite them. There are, however ways to truly reprogram your mind without the backlash that traditional affirmations often produce.

Psychic Predictions 2013

While 2012 was a year of purging old skeletons, 2013 is the year of the now. It’s a year when we’ll begin to see some real changes in society. Find out more about what’s to come in 2013 in this fascinating article written by a professional psychic.

The Pledge Of Success

The daily pledge of success will activate your creative and productive mind; help guide your daily conduct to be one with the universe so the universe can be one with you. People will find you appealing to associate and or do business because you bring fulfillment to all. Remember, the people will provide you the opportunity to acquire riches if you are a creative, productive unassuming force; and if your daily conduct brings credit to you and those with whom you associate. Say the daily pledge every morning to set a good footing for your day and every time before making a decision that involve others.

Really? One Sentence Can Change the World?

Language is powerful and what we tell ourselves is who we become. We embody our habits. Make a new one with this sentence: I am good & have in me the power to make more good!

How the Energy Inside of You Is Built Using the Law of Attraction

Many people do not realize that the law of attraction means more than just thinking about something and going for it, but it involves the whole universe. You will be able to make a huge difference in the way that you approach life and experience life if you only give the law of attraction theory a chance. First, know that the law of attraction simply means that you can get what you want when you surround yourself with positive energy and you…

Affirmation Consistency – How Often Do You Say Affirmations?

Change takes time. We live in an automatic society where we expect change to manifest almost instantly, with almost little to no effort. In some aspects of life, we experience this every day. In others, perhaps, things take much longer than we would like for them to. Many things we pursue really are possible for us but we give up on them before they have time to come into our lives. This article offers a practical approach why giving up too soon may be costing you dearly.

Why Affirmations Work – You Trust Yourself

Self improvement experts like myself and others all agree. Affirmations work wonderfully well for those who believe in their power and are disciplined enough to do them regularly. When an affirmation has been properly written and consistently spoken, your words begin to change the situations in your life. There are many reasons why they are so effective. But perhaps the most important is because you trust yourself.

Writing Your Affirmations – Affirmation Length

There are several guidelines to follow when you are creating the perfect affirmation for yourself. One key thing to remember is length. Typically, affirmations are supposed to be short and sweet. Your statement shouldn’t be drawn out into paragraphs. One sentence packed with power will more than suffice. I will post a couple of examples so you can see the difference.

Basic Overview of Affirmations – Getting Yourself To Follow Through

In your life, what has been the most difficult aspect of going from where you are to where you want to be? This is a very straight forward question that is powerful as we contemplate the answer. For some it could be lack of direction. For others, lack of support from family, etc. What would your answer be? For so many people I speak with, the number one obstacle they face is following through with the ideas and plans they have established for themselves.

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