Why you should visualize in FIRST PERSON when manifesting (Feel it Real!)

Discover the Power of Prosperity Affirmation for a Brighter Tomorrow

Prosperity Affirmations are positive declarations towards prosperity in any aspect. The question is whether they can work together with subliminal technology. The answer is yes, indeed they can. For example, subliminal DVDs and tapes will pass on the message of prosperity to the subconscious mind when you are sleeping. Such affirmations include declaring that one is entitled to be prosperous, one has the right to be prosperous, and one will be clear of debts and so forth. Below are some of the benefits of power of the message of prosperity affirmation mixed with.

Prayer And Its Power, Concentration And Its Balance

Prayer is not only “spiritual” in the traditional sense, it is the most powerful affirmation of belief and fulfillment in existence however it may be implemented. It can be a thought or many words said aloud and with feeling. It is a concentration of forces really.

Switchword Subliminals: A New And Better Way To Benefit From Subliminal Messaging

Using subliminal messages to create life changes is well established. It’s been around for decades. I recall my first subliminal audio. This was in the 80s, when they were hot, my mother had tons of tapes so I curiously tried some of them. I was still young and without a ton of Subconscious blocks so the programs worked very well. However, as I grew older I found they stopped working. It was only much later in life that I discovered why.

The Surefire Way To Get It

You need it. You want it. You miss it. You dream about it. You don’t have it. You may have had it. Where did it go and how can you get it back? It use to be easy. It never worked before. You wonder if you deserve it. You worry about losing it if you actually get it. They have it and you’re wondering what they did that you haven’t done. What’s wrong with you that you don’t have it yet? You’ve helped others get it. You’ve worked harder than they have to get it. It’s stressful to know you don’t have it. You may be working to make sure they appreciate it. If they really appreciated you, maybe they would give you some of it. Maybe you’ve decided to pretend you don’t need it. Maybe you can convince yourself that you don’t want it after all.

Positive Affirmations for Increased Positivity

This article will touch upon the subject of using positive affirmations in order to increase positivity. Positivity is required in order to achieve a richer, happier, fulfilled life full of joy and experiences you want to have.  How to become more positive In order to become more positive you need to get rid of negative thought patterns.

The Truth About Positive Affirmations and Their Effectiveness

  You likely know people who have mentioned that they use positive affirmations. You may have even tried them yourself, or you may have thought they were crazy. In either case, this article will discuss the truth behind positive affirmations, what they can do for you and some best practices while using them.

The Secret to Making Your Own Luck

I myself have never really believed in “luck” but I do very much believe in “preparation meets opportunity.” When you are ready for it “luck” starts to show up, but you have to be looking for it. The luckiest break can pass you by if you don’t recognize the opportunity. If you are ready to “get lucky” read this article and soon luck will be at your door.

The Power of “I AM”

The power of these 2 little words effects all of us and can either; empower us to grow and step into our greater selves, or can keep us playing small and therefore remaining limited in so many areas of our life. You have everything you need within you and around you to BE the person that will create the life of your dreams. Step into it and say… I AM.

It’s Your Christmas

As a child I knew that I didn’t know who God was or where God was, but I had been taught that God was a ‘he’ and he was somewhere on the outside of myself, so that’s what I believed. Separation from God is hell, isn’t it? When we hear Leonard Cohen’s poetic prayer, it stirs up a longing within… to be connected to something greater than ourselves – so connected that we are unafraid of change, okay with not knowing the future, willing to be disapproved of, and willing to stand alone.

Should I Live or Should I Die?

This summary for the article is to advice people to live and not die. I know that life can be tough, but we live in a fallen world. This article is very sensitive and it deals with people believing that suicide is the answer to their pain. I am a witness; that it is not. Read this article and see if you have experienced the pain of life to this degree. “Suicide Is Not The Answer”…

Stories Influence Circumstances

Our lives are greatly influenced by our self talk. A negative life story can keep us stuck living a less-than-desirable life. A positive and empowering dialog with oneself can influence circumstances for the better.

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