In Difficult Times, Let Your Light Shine

Your Life Investment

A “get it done and get it right” attitude is mostly a good thing, but haste without looking well at what you are investing in is the ultimate wrong attitude even when it “feels right”. If the saying “think before you leap” comes to mind and soul, this article is for you.

Why Self Love Is Not “Selfish!”

Why is it that we grow up thinking that “selfish” is a another 4 letter word? Why is taking care of ourselves often associated with guilt? I say no more!! We have to be willing to take care of ourselves so we can be the best version of who we are for the other people in our lives that we care about. In order for us to truly live the life we are called to live we MUST be willing to nurture our mind, body and soul. Start today, be willing to care enough about yourself to do something for YOU!

Claiming Your Super-Power: How You Can Use Your Sensitivity to Great Advantage

In this series of articles we have examined the topic of super-sensitivity, or Highly Sensitive Person as it is now called, that can leave you feeling unusually drained, overwhelmed, as if you are a lightning rod for everyone else’s emotions. We covered several great energy tools to clear your personal energy field, and also several targeted intentions and even Soul Agreements to reset your healthy energy boundaries, so you are not “taking on other peoples stuff.” Now that you have some great techniques to more easily manage your energy and your super sensitivity, it is time to fully…

The Power Of Intention

Setting intentions is like the secret sauce of achieving your dreams! Intentions make our goals come to life and works hand in hand with daily affirmations. See how you can approach it from the eyes of a child.

Align Your Life With Values: Understanding Your Why

There is a lot of buzz about finding your “why,” everyone from TEDtalks to Best Selling authors, are asking “Why?” Great companies understand their “why” and why they do what they do. After reading this article, I ask that you take some time to consider your “why.” What do you really care about? Also check in and see if your life is currently in alignment with your “why,” if it’s out of alignment what can you do to get it on course?

The Power of Coincidence Proves The Universe Is Listening

Are coincidental events in our lives the result of our subjective thinking? Do they prove a synchronicity exists in the universe? Perhaps we are born to interpret seemingly random occurrences in a purposeful way.

Motivational Monday: 4 Quick Tips For Resetting Your Joy When It All Goes Wrong

Things didn’t turn out how you planned them. You may be feeling shock, surprise, anger, overwhelm, confusion, fear, frustration, grief, worry, or sadness about how things went so terribly wrong. Rationally, you know that the longer you dwell on what you don’t want creates more of what you don’t want but this one was a doozy. How are you supposed to pick up your joy from the floor before the dust has settled? Okay, perhaps it’s not all that bad but you are really emotionally attached to what is going on. You don’t really want to be upset. This was a wonderful day before things went wrong. If you knew how, you would put all of this behind you and move on but those feelings don’t seem to be going away. Here are 4 quick tips for resetting your joy when it all goes wrong.

That Little Voice!

Did you know that most of our thoughts are negative? Imagine what it would be like to turn that around! Imagine what it would feel like to quiet the little voice that sometimes is less than kind to you? You can do it!

How to Increase Your Intuition Part II – Being Right: Whose Responsibility Is It?

One of my teachers said the “greatest sin was the need to be right.” Initially many years ago when my intuition opened up I would really stress about my “responsibility” to give accurate information. It felt like a huge burden and often I would not share what I was receiving at that point for fear of “being wrong” and possibly hurting someone.

How to Increase Your Intuition: Part I

Last night I was teaching my Mastery students and sending long distance Reiki healing to one of them while on the phone. I began sharing some detailed information I received from their body. Then I attempted to explain “how” I received the information so they could benefit and I realized there are actually some key steps involved that could help everyone understand their own intuitive process more deeply.

What to Do When Healing, Transformation and Manifestations Don’t Seem to Last – Part I

From time to time the profound shifts and healing results people get with our work hold for a time, then seem to fade. At this point, some students tend to feel that “it didn’t work” or even that the amazing results they go “weren’t real”. Healers may even get discouraged when your clients report this and think that they “aren’t good enough healers” or else the results would stick.

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