What DREAMS About Your Manifestation Are Telling You! (3 Common Types) SUBCONSCIOUS FEEDBACK


5 Tips to Take Control of Your Mind and World Using Affirmations

Your thoughts create your reality. Learn to focus your mind on positive thoughts to bring balance and calm to your day.

Never Be Tired (The Amazing Power Of Rejuvenating Yourself)

Before I begin, I put this article under the heading “Affirmations” because to genuinely rejuvenate yourself, you must realize that you are what you think you are. That is the deepest, most effective thought you can have in existence and life. I put the word existence before life, because the term existence is more all encompassing than the word life.

Start Your Day on a Positive Note By Using Affirmations

I love affirmations simply because they work. Learn how to focus your mind and bring what you want into your life.

Message From the Universe: It Is Time to Say Something

Tell it to yourself everyday, repeat the positive thoughts you create and always give yourself credit for everything you have accomplished in your life. Never underestimate your potential as you are capable in accomplishing a lot more. Life is at your fingertips, so take advantage of it.

What DREAMS About Your Manifestation Are Telling You! (3 Common Types) SUBCONSCIOUS FEEDBACK

Who I Am Is Love

Thirty years ago I wrote my mission statement for my life. It read: “I am here to feel connected to love and to help others feel their connection to universal love as well.” This is a noble statement and it has served me well. Recently, as I have grown spiritually, I have rewritten my mission statement to match my expanded soul’s expression. Here is how it reads now: “My mission in life is to remember that who I am is love and to help others to remember that they are love too.”

How to Write Your Own Daily Affirmations

Affirmations help you in that they allow you to stay positive and retain the positivity throughout the day. When do you use affirmations? You can make your own on a daily basis. How do you do that? Look inside to find out.

Message From the Universe: Unexpected Outcome

We can’t expect or anticipate what life has in store for us but the only sure thing we can do is work towards our dreams and do anything and everything we can to make them happen. Never live life with regrets as this would definitely be a very bad end for yourself. Look forward to things you want to do and let the Universe take care of the rest.

Self-Sabotaging Words to Reframe

Language is hypnotic, and the choice of words you use over and over again for your self-talk can create a self-fulfilling prophecy of success or self-sabotage. Here are seven words you can use to wake up out of your old pattern of expecting failure and reframe your language into an expectation of success.

No Matter What, Keep Growing

A seasoned psychotherapist discusses the importance of continued persistence in order to become the person we want to be. This includes some serious elbow grease, not listening to fear, and keeping our eye on the prize.

How to Make Affirmations More Effective

When you SUCCESSFULLY replace negative self-talk with POSITIVE AFIRMATIONS, your life shifts. The challenge is to actually make it happen.

20 Affirmations When We Are Feeling Down or Depressed

We all have days when we feel down or depressed. Even when we are trying our best to stay positive there are days when we just can’t shake our mood. It’s okay to have not great days.

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