Manifest the Power Within: Guided Sleep Meditation To Increase Personal Power

Increasing Your Personal Power Takes A Conscious Decision And Subconscious Calibration!

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The Hypnotic Origins of Affirmations

Most folks see affirmations and hypnosis as two separate things. Depending on how well-versed you are, you might see them both as quackery or useful psychological tools.

Manifest the Power Within: Guided Sleep Meditation To Increase Personal Power

Making Affirmations Work For You!: 5 Essentials

Although, nearly, everyone, claims, they want to become the best, they can possibly, be, few seem ready, willing, knowledgable – enough, or able to/ capable of, proactively, doing things, which will better – position, themselves, to make wiser decisions, and take better actions/ strategies, to overcome their personal weaknesses, and effectively, take advantage of their strengths! Some individuals have discovered, the ability of properly using affirmations, to be, a great, first – step, to make this meaningful journey, of self – discovery, and improvements! Unfortunately, many, either, are not aware of, or don’t take doing this, seriously, and thus, lose…

When the Problem Is With Affirmations, Not You

If something as simple as affirmations work… then why doesn’t everyone use them? People are complex, but here are a few answers.

What’s Your Intention for the entire year?

Maybe you’ve heard of this recent trend to choose a “word for the year” or “focus word.” Supposedly, at the beginning of the year, you choose just one word or phrase that describes what you need more of, what you want to cultivate in your life, or what you want to be your focus for the year. With that in mind, let’s state our intentions instead of goals this year, with a focus on personal growth instead of accomplishments.

What Makes A Difference?

When you implant change into your subconscious mind fully, that is the only time a difference really happens. Without the reality in that sentence combined with discipline, you really are shooting in the dark. Without using and understanding that phrase sincerely, you are praying in vain. All good answers come from proper application anyway.

Self-Responsibility: Earned Versus Given

We all love things to come “easy” even when we think we want to earn them, and actually appreciate them more when we earn them. When I think of responsibility and esteeming yourself, the earned is always better than the given although our innate feelings sometimes betray that when unpleasant “need to” work is involved.

How to Use the A to Z in the Pursuit of Being Happy

Do find yourself caught in a vicious cycle of a lack of satisfaction, at the time a sense of helplessness, hopelessness, and worthlessness? Do you at times feel anxious, worried, and depressed about not being good enough? You can change all of that by thinking and acting out some of these awesome ideas. Here are 26 simple ideas arranged alphabetically from A to Z in the pursuit of discovering happiness. When practiced with gratitude and hope, over time you would be on the path of exploring happiness from within.

The Importance of Positive Affirmations to Kick Start Your Day

If you want to be successful, positive affirmations should be part of your morning ritual. For example, if you are a business professional, you can get ready for professional meetings using morning affirmations. This will help you face challenges, reduce your frustration, and have a positive outlook on your life. In this short article, we are going to take a look at the importance of positive affirmations to start your day. Read on to find out more.

Stuck, “Shucked” and Getting Unstuck

I once heard an old spiritual that went: “If you get out of your place too soon, God will cut you down.” Well, when I write about getting unstuck, I am also writing about the reasons for being stuck. Recently (a few hours ago), I faced a situation where I was held back and stuck in a place where I did not want to be. I will only say for myself and probably you if you are facing the same thing: Be patient and strong and accept the lesson the situation is teaching.

Begin Your Day With Morning Affirmations

Learn how starting your day with morning affirmations can improve your life. Enhance your overall being with positive sayings.

Do Your Best and Let It Be Enough – Countering Your Perfectionistic Self-Talk

Perfectionism eats up the time and energy of countless smart and motivated people. Does it undercut you and leave you drained and disappointed? Here’s help!

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